Corporate Sponsorship
Teams Elite is supported by the following Corporate Sponsors who have generously contributed through our Corporate Sponsorship program. If you would like to become a Corporate Sponsor, please see the below information.
Gold Level Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors
Bronze Level Sponsors
Sponsor Highlight!
New this season, we are happy to share that Sports And Ortho Physical Therapy has become the official Physical Therapy partner of Teams Elite. Sports and Ortho Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine is a locally owned private practice specializing in the rehabilitation of sports and orthopedic issues.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
Teams Elite Synchronized Skating Club is seeking corporate sponsors for our greatly anticipated 2023-2024 season. Your donation will be put to work immediately, supplementing operating expenses and providing well-rounded opportunities that meet the competitive needs of our sport. Corporate sponsorship is not only a charitable donation, but also provides community support, brand visibility, and recognition locally to your customers and clients right here in the North Shore and throughout the Chicagoland area.